Sunday, February 9, 2014

KVCC Person/Group of The Week 2/1-2/8 is Zero Percent

Each week, a person or group is promoted for their work in creating or improving a product or service. If Keane Venture Capital and Consulting has any relationship with the person or group, it will be disclosed. The weekly highlight does not mean that KVCC is recommending a purchase of a product or service. The article is not sanctioned by the individual or group.  

Recently, KVCC read a Fast Company article (link here) about the work of Zero Percent. They are a Chicago based start up. Their mission is to connect food sources (restaurants, etc.) with need centers (shelters) through its phone application.

KVCC believes that this use of innovation is exactly the example that needs to be followed and supported. For more information on Zero Percent and its team, led by Raj Karmani, you can go to their website (link here.)

Previous People or Groups of the week include PolarJohn Legere and T-MobileNot Imposssible Labs and Time, Good Guide,AngelList, PatagoniaBlackrock Group, and Nest