Monday, April 28, 2014

Week In Review for Bitcoin, Wearable Tech

As always, check out the hashtags of each of the topics to get up to the minute information.

- Guardian article (link here) on the democratic disruption of finance. Thanks for the tweet @howardlindzon. 

Wearable Tech
- Nike drops Fuelband, Marketwatch story here.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nike Fuelband Not A Failure, Neither Is Wearable Tech

This week, Nike announced that they are stopping production of the Fuelband. In a few articles, there is a sense that because Nike stopped producing the Fuelband, wearable technology is on the downturn. See Yahoo! article here. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Nike stopped because the Fuelband doesn't fit into its classic business. There are also other competitors that have a far superior technological expertise in the wearable tech space than Nike. When you have companies like Apple, Samsung, Fitbit, Polar, and others generating these products, it makes the case that Nike should not be in the space.

If you think are wondering if the Wearable Tech revolution is dead, go on twitter and hashtag wearabletech and see what you find.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Week In Review of Bitcoin, 3D Printing, Wearable Tech, and Crowdfunding

Here is some news in regards to Bitcoin, 3D Printing, Wearable Tech, and Crowdfunding. As always, check out the hashtags of each of these topics to find out up to date information.


- The current price of Bitcoin (per Coinbase) is $500.00.

3D Printing
- Gillette getting into 3D Printing, article here.
- 3D Systems partners with Staples, article here.

Wearable Tech

- There will be a Wearables Hackathon starting April 25th. Info here.
- A Wearables Startup Guide Techcrunch article here.
- Fortune article on how corporate wellness programs are adopting wearable tech, story here.


- How One Spark Ignites Ideas, Entrepreneur article here.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

3,000 Post Views and Counting....


KVCC would just like to thank all the kind readers that have taken time to read the various blog posted through KVCC. We have reached over 3,000 views and are consistently growing our reader base. If interested, be sure to take a look at this blog, KDK Fund blog, The Daily Disruptor blog, KVCC Idea Lab blog, and the KDK Options blog.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Week In Review for Wearable Tech, and Crowdfunding

As always, check out the hashtags of each of these topics to see what is going on.

- Will Wheaton crowdfunds Table Top. Sheldon will not be happy. Wired article here.

Wearable Tech

- Andreesen Horowitz partnering with Wearable Intelligence, a Google Glass application. Recode story here.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Week In Review in Bitcoin, 3D Printing, Crowdfunding, and Wearable Tech

As always, hashtag each topic for up to date info through Twitter.

- A Wired article on how Bitcoin is changing the world, even if not as a currency. The story is here.

3D Printing
- Woman has entirely new 3D printed cranium, story here.

- 3D Market to grow by leaps and bounds. article here.

- 3D Systems bringing printing to New York show. Marketwatch story here.

- Crowdfunding used as research, Bloomberg story here.

Wearable Tech